Vitrification is a process of cryopreservation by converting liquid into a glass like substance by ultra-rapid freezing at low temperatures without inducing ice crystallization. This process is utilized to effectively cryopreserve living cells which otherwise may get damaged due to intracellular ice formation of their water content during slow cooling method. It involves exposure of cell to single or combination of permeable and non-permeable cryoprotectant(s) for short period and rapidly lowering its temperature to near -196OC – that of liquid nitrogen (LN2).

Vitrification helps in many ways to optimize the results. Vitrification is very effective in preserving oocytes of single woman pursuing career – for future use.                                    

 It is also an effective option for young women undergoing cancer treatment to preserve their oocytes before chemotherapy/ radiotherapy.

Spare good quality embryos produced during the treatment can be vitrified. In case implantation fails in current cycle- cryopreserved embryos can be utilized effectively in subsequent cycles with equal probability of patient becoming pregnant. Cryopreserved embryos can be used later for second child.

Majority of good quality sperms can be vitrified for future use. This is useful for overseas patients, soldiers & businessman who may not be available at the time of procedure.

Though effective, vitrification required extremely skilful handling and practice due to lack of suitable device.

A revolutionary device to perform vitrification is here – Vitrimate®