
This is the storage tub for liquid nitrogen. Its inner container is made up of special high quality stainless steel that can be sterilized using 70% alcohol or compatible disinfectants used in IVF. Its outer box is made up of a light weight, sturdy aluminium. Both these containers are separated by an effective insulator that minimizes LN2 evaporation rate and keeps inner cool temperature maintained for a long time. A light source is provided to make crucial step of cell loading, clearly visible.


This is the heart of device. It has a very specific design that maintains near liquid nitrogen temperature throughout the procedure. This can be sterilized by autoclave, 70% alcohol, or any disinfectant used in IVF. The unique arrangement of the cross section holes makes ‘Close’ system as effective as ‘Open’ one, without cells touching the liquid nitrogen. The markings on the surface make it easy to identify patient specific carrier. The smaller holes on the surface are meant to carry crucial step of vitrification. The larger holes are designed to hold carriers temporarily after vitrification till stored in main storage ta


This is the carrier system to load cells to be cryopreserved. It has two parts. 1- The outer sleeve. It is inserted into one of the smaller holes of the surface of Cryoblock® before loading cells. 2- Main carrier. After exposing cells to suitable cryoprotectants for optimum time duration, they are loaded on the transparent strip of main carrier and inserted into the outer sleeve, already equilibrated with cool temperature.